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boiler with hot water tank

If you ever have bath or showered in a house with a boiler and hot water tank do let us know. Those hot water lines always feel good under your feet! For those with a hot water tank, but regular heat consisting of baseboards and/or radiators, it may be nice to finally have the best of both worlds: warm (forced air) heat from an efficient heating system AND all day long useable amounts of Hot Water so you never run out on non-high demand days.

So how does this work: the boiler heats water in your pipes first. From there, it sends the hot water to a hot water tank. Keeping with hot water this tank is essential to store the. This hot water can be used for those showers, washing your hands or even doing the laundry. When you do a couple loads everyday that hot water comes in handy.

Better control over water temperature for domestic use.

It is also common that the hot water will either scald you or come out cold. This can be very annoying! But a boiler and hot water tank gives you more control over the temperature of that water. Well, guess what - you can change the temperature inside of that tank to whatever suits your liking. This way, you will not have to rush into a scalding hot shower or wait for several minutes for the water in the pipes coming out of it. It will make your bath experience more comfortable!

Why choose SST boiler with hot water tank?

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